Crossword Puzzles

Puzzle 1:

10. Depressed (11)
11. Obsession with one thing (9)
13. A long pin for holding meat in position while it is being roasted (6)
14. Vault of heaven (9)
15. A journey in a vehicle driven by someone else (4)
16. A variety of reed grass (10)
19. Untouched (10)
20. Neuralgia (8)
21. Extinct humans of Middle Paleolithic in Europe and western Asia (12)
23. Household appliances for stitching (6,8)
25. Cornmeal boiled in water (4)
27. Plasmas (4)
28. Colloquial (14)
31. Spud baked in its skin (6,6)
33. Most underweight (8)
34. Prone to emotion (3-7)
36. A railroad employer who is in charge of a rail depot (10)
37. Information (4)
38. Compass point (4,5)
40. Of inferior workmanship and materials (6)
42. Electronic equipment (9)
43. Fruitless enterprise (4'1,6)

1. A strong table for a carpenter or mechanic (9)
2. Afresh (4)
3.  Issued on a first petition for divorce (6,4)
4. How much a company makes on the items it sells (6,6)
5. Endure (4)
6. In tennis, a shot made with palm facing direction of stroke (8)
7. The official symbols of a family, state, etc. (4,2,4)
8. Material (6)
9. Bourgeoisie (6,5)
12. The science that deals with the earth (7,7)
17. A distinctive characteristic or attribute (9)
18. Belly flop (7,7)
22. Songbooks containing religious songs (9)
24. Warranting attention (12)
26. A psychological state characterised by delusions of grandeur (11)
28. Common small rabbit of North America having greyish or brownish fur
       and a tail with a white underside (10)
29. Overcome by superior force (10)
30. Dominating (9)
32. A faction that is unwilling to accept new ideas (3,5)
35. Pale (6)
39. Space for movement (4)
41. In folklore, a giant who likes to eat human beings (4)

Puzzle 2:

1. Wildernesses
6. Male children
10. Disorderly crowds of people
14. 'The -----', novel by Dostoevsky
15. Fencing sword
16. Kitchen appliance
17. The solid part of the earth's surface
19. Painted or japanned tinware
20. The bracing atmosphere at the coast
21. Lubricate
22. A local and well-defined elevation of the land
23. Carrying out
25. A lever operated with the foot
26. Chooses
30. Line connecting points having equal barometric pressure at a given time
32. Cocktail
35. Refuse collector
39. Large herbivorous tropical American arboreal lizard with a spiny crest along the back
40. A person of unquestioning obedience
41. Totters
43. Buildings for housing horses or other livestock
44. Maintenance
46. Former times
47. The beginning or early stages
50. Imperial
53. A coating of gold or of something that looks like gold
54. A metric unit of volume or capacity equal to 10 litres
55. The capital and largest city of Zambia
60. A form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature
61. Relating to that point on the earth's surface directly over the point of origin of an earthquake
63. The highest point of something
64. British artist and writer of nonsense verse (1812-1888)
65. 'Auguste -----' (1798-1857), the founder of Positivism
66. A state of confusion and disorderliness
67. Is not (contraction)
68. 19th President of the United States (1822-1893)

Amusing people who make jokes
2. '---- fixe' - a recurring theme in music
3. The basic unit of money in Italy
4. '---- Spenlow'. character in the novel 'David Copperfield', by Charles Dickens
5. Sedate
6. Garland
7. Garments of cloth or leather or plastic tied about the waist and worn to protect clothing
8. Superman
9. A device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents
10. Expectant woman
11. Egg-shaped
12. '----- figura', good appearance (It)
13. Keen and sharp (Scottish)
18. 'To and ---', backwards and forwards
24. Three in Roman numerals
25. Shaped and dried dough made from flour and water and sometimes egg
26. Exclude
27. A youthful attendant at official functions or ceremonies such as legislative functions and weddings
28. Faithful
29. Figurines
31. A sculpture of the head and shoulders of a person
33. Awkward
34. (British) an informer or spy working for the police
36. The girl friend of a gangster
37. Elderly
38. A strip of land projecting into a body of water
42. Long brightly-colored shawls; worn mainly by Mexican men
43. Undercover agent
45. A member of one of the four divisions of the prehistoric Greeks
47. An ancient Celtic alphabet of straight lines meeting or crossing the edge of a stone
48. A daughter of your brother or sister
49. Closes violently
51. Fermented alcoholic beverage similar to but heavier than beer
52. A midday meal
54. Food shop
56. A portico or covered colonnade
57. An organization of military land forces
58. '---- Winslet', actress who starred in Titanic
59. Beers
62. A vacuum tube in which a hot cathode emits a beam of electrons that pass through a high voltage
       anode and are focused or deflected before hitting a phosphorescent screen (abbr)

Puzzle 3:

1. An association that people join in order to buy reading matter at reduced prices (4,4)
6. Injudicious (10)
13. Summarize briefly (5)
14. Howard ---------, football manager (9)
15. Any of numerous fruits of the gourd family having a hard rind and sweet juicy flesh (5)
16. Alcoholic beverage (7)
18. Intolerant assertion of an opinion (9)
19. The starting place for each hole on a golf course (3)
20. Feel extreme happiness or elation (5)
22. The cardinal number one above seven (5)
24. Unhappy (3)
26. Raise, as of flags or sails (3-2)
28. A dough of flour and water and shortening (6)
29. The size of a book whose pages are made by folding a sheet of paper three times to
       form eight leaves (6)
31. Replenishment (7)
32. Kitchen utensil (7,3)
34. A shared orientation leading to mutual understanding (10)
37. A light roll rich with eggs and butter (7)
38. The sovereign of Germany from 1871 to 1918 (6)
39. A roof in the form of a dome (6)
41. Not cool (slang) (5)
42. Add (3)
43. Goods carried by a large vehicle (5)
45. Where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods (5)
46. Make a quick trip especially by air (3)
48. Unlikely to harm or disturb anyone (9)
51. The science of matter and energy and their interactions (7)
53. All the plant life in a particular region (5)
54. Three-sided tropical American nut with white oily meat and hard brown shell (6,3)
55. A young person (5)
56. A person who meddles in the affairs of others (4-6)
57. A belt of calms and light winds between the northern and southern trade winds
      of the Atlantic and Pacific (8)

2. Happen (5)
3. Sleep (slang) (3)
4. One who imposes statutes (3-5)
5. A sturdy thickset short-haired breed of dog (7)
6. A flavoured sugar topping used to coat and decorate cakes (5)
7. Unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice (13)
8. A peninsula in northeastern Egypt; at the north end of Red Sea (5)
9. The day commemorating the fallen of the world wars (11,6)
10. Brilliant or conspicuous success or effect (5)
11. Death personified as an old man or a skeleton with a scythe (4,6)
12. Organisation for international co-operation in the suppression of crime (8)
17. Drawing from or characterized by participation of two or more fields of study (17)
21. Not greedy (9)
23. Conjunction used in comparatives (4)
25. A song or hymn of mourning (5)
27. Internet organisation for obtaining information (9)
30. A fast and rhythmic noise (8-5)
33. Invitee (5)
35. By the fire (10)
36. (computer science) a kind of computer architecture that has a relatively small set of
       computer instructions that it can perform (abbr) (4)
37. A curt or disdainful rejection (5-3)
40. Infirmary (8)
44. Rubbed resin onto, as of violin bows (7)
47. A picture of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide (5)
49. A fleecy headwrap formerly worn by women (5)
50. Willow (5)
52. A manner of speaking that is natural to native speakers of a language (5)
55. Dog (3)



Puzzle 1:




Puzzle 3:

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