
This is yet another key aspect of our services. Our consulting services include the provision of information, advice or support to an organization with a need.

One may require consulting services in the following situations:

  • Where specialized expertise is required to solve a current or potential problem that is not readily available within
  • Where a type or level of objectivity is required which only an independent person could provide
  • Where the organization lacks the time to do what it could normally do

Our consulting services include:

  • Strategic business development writing of marketing and business plans, brainstorming for managerial development, compilation of operational standards of procedures, development of customer service and complaint manuals, etc.
  • Performance Management and Consumer Research
    assessment and measurement tools and processes e.g. mystery customer programs, customer service surveys, focused group studies, etc.
  • Learning Laboratory
    knowledge management systems, etc.
  • HR practices
    interview designing, selection, etc.



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