Useful and Interesting Sites

Tool for Googlers

Google's great, but Google Alert makes it better, by performing automated searches on a regular basis and e-mailing you the results. You can do a simple search, or hone it by including or excluding words, sifting through updated pages only, searching a particular Web site, picking a specific format (say, PDF), and more. Google Alert includes a useful miniature browser for viewing results--just click on the link at the top of the e-mail message the service sends you. Note: Google Alert is not affiliated with Google.


New Software Anyone?

If your profits--or your mental health--are riding on the next release of a vital application, turn to BetaNews for the scoop on when it's coming, what the prerelease version does, and where you can get it. The site updates news frequently on beta programs and services, freeware, and shareware. Many stories have beta tester comments and direct links for downloading the app. A useful companion site,, monitors thousands of shipping shareware, freeware, and commercial programs for PCs, Macs, and Palms. Each citation notes the version, the system requirements, what the program does, and what's been changed, along with a download link.


Get an E-Secretary

On the run? Having a senior moment? Let the automatic e-mail reminders from Time Cave give you or someone else a helpful nudge. Just enter the e-mail address, type your message, and pick a delivery time (from 1 minute to three years in the future). Time Cave does the rest. It's a handy tool if you're busy or you're on the road without your normal office programs (or a handheld device) to nag you.


Solve all your Filing Problems

Filecorp is a records company with a difference. Not only does it assist with your paper records management systems and processes, but also your electronic storage solutions. The emphasis is on integrated management of all information - both paper and electronic. They use very powerful software to manage digitally-received information.


Need  Virtual Office Assistance?

If you've ever wished for help in your office, but you don't need a full-time person, or the work you need could be done offsite, check out this site. The 'virtual' world is full of amazing resources to help us all do more with less.


Directory of Great Speeches

Here is a guide to some of the best free speeches in the internet. Browse through and click the sites that excite you.  Great for research into your own speeches or simply download them as a teaching aid.  If you are running a company and need some motivational pieces for circulation to your staff, this site is a must.  You have the option to navigate around to find all that you want.


Everything about Leadership at your fingertips is probably the most comprehensive website on leadership we have found, with loads of useful links and information by many writers. Mick Yates, founder of Leader Values, is passionate about leadership. He is a globally experienced CEO, having spent almost 30 years working in Europe, the USA and across Asia Pacific.


The Motivational and Inspirational Corner is America's motivational headquarters where you'll find tons of motivational and inspirational quotes and stories. It is Home of the Power Up Passage of the Day and the Power Performance Program.


Get a Motivational Newsletter Regularly

Let the leaders in the areas of motivation, self-improvement, and personal development show you how to reach a higher level of success in your daily life. A must for those who want a pep talk right up when they hit the screen.


Get a Meaningful Daily Inspirational Quote

Get a meaningful daily inspirational quote to start your day. It’s the best “click” you can make to start your day and it’s just as easy to forward to friends and peers who will also benefit from its messages. Insights is completely free and arrives in your e-mail box the five working days of the week. Daily quotes arrive the first four days and a short motivational story arrives each Friday. Simply sign up here to get started!


Executive Coaching and Leadership Development is a psychology-based consulting and coaching practice owned by leading business psychologist, Jasbindar Singh. Core services are: Developing leadership skills through coaching and mentoring; Resolving people and performance issues; Building strong teams.


Can’t find a Book at

If you can't find what you want at, hie thee to AddAll, which searches used- and antiquarian-book dealers all over the world. You can search by author, title, ISBN, binding, price range, and other attributes. The results page details each book's condition and vintage, as well as the store's contact information. More important, AddAll delivers results. When we searched for books by the 1920s humorist Robert Benchley, for example, AddAll ferreted out 480 titles, while found only about 25.


Best Deals on Hotel Rooms

The tough executive hits the road and look for a good place to stay. Travelaxe helps by scouring nearly two dozen travel and hotel Web sites for the best deal on hotel rooms. To use the site you first install a small app. Select the start and end days of your trip on a calendar, use the drop-down menus to choose your destination, click a button, and you'll get a screenful of offers you can compare side-by-side.

Travelaxe won't book the room for you, but takes you to the appropriate reservation site to close the deal. At the time of this writing, Travelaxe tapped listings for 35,000 hotels in 535 different locations in 36 countries.


No time to learn to cook?  Or you want to cook in a real hurry, like now?

Your fridge contains onions, lemons, and some pork; the pantry holds flour and baked beans. This is dinner? You bet. Head over to Cooking By Numbers, check off what you have from the site's list of 50 staples, and voilà--relevant recipes appear, rated 100 percent (if you have all the ingredients) or a lesser percentage (if you lack a few). While gourmet cooks may find the pickings slim, the site is perfect for the desperate parent or the forgets-to-shop bachelor. A great companion site: the Cook's Thesaurus, which has the scoop on any ingredient--how it's eaten and prepared, how to tell when it's no longer fresh, alternative names, and acceptable substitutes.

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