Mystery Shopper Takes It To Extreme

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Mystery Customer Services

How good is your service?

92% of business owners believe customer service is critical to differentiate their key products and services, yet 70% report difficulty in aligning their business around their customers.How would you know for sure:

        • If your employees are adding value to your customer?
        • Or that your staff is providing the level of service you have trained them for?
        • Or, if your internal values are the same as your external values?

If you like answers to these, a powerful tool to assist you is our Mystery Customer Program (MCP). CLICK HERE

See Your Business As Your Customers See You!

Our Mystery Customer Programs allow you to see your company's service levels through the eyes of your customers. The research from our mystery shopping can help you evaluate your service levels more critically so that you can improve them.

Our specially trained mystery customers will pay regular visits to your business posing as customers, performing independent, objective inspection of your business's facilities and service standards.  You can then evaluate these inspection results and check your customer experience and compare your business’s performance against your last visit or against your competitors.

Without "pointing the finger" it will allow you to uncover poor employee performance and allow you to reshape that performance in a cost-effective manner. In the process you will discover how to identify and correct organizational weaknesses and act upon them.  You can use this powerful feedback tool to re-measure for organizational improvement to give you the much needed competitive advantage over competitors. Additionally, your mystery customer feedback will allow you to identify and reward superior employee performance.

Today, Mystery Customer Programs in the region are common in service industries such as fast food franchises, hotels and airlines as a staff training and performance appraisal tool. They are becoming increasingly important in market research where service is a key part of the brand image and where understanding "customer experience" is central to understanding customers’ needs and preferences.

Why You Should Measure Customer Service

Our customer service evaluations provide you with the ability to:

  • Discover customer service problems before they erode your market share
  • Identify specific training needs and measure training efforts
  • Reward exemplary employee behavior
  • Target individual manager effectiveness

How We Measure Customer Service

  • Custom-Designed Reports - We work with your team to produce customer service reports and data summaries to meet your unique needs.
  • Top-Notch Shoppers - We aggressively recruit and select quality people to ensure accuracy, consistency and reliability.
  • Quality Assurance - Each customer service report is scrutinized for clarity, consistency and completeness

Be a Mystery Shopper for Szetho Consultancy!

Being a mystery shopper may mean being paid for what you like best – shopping!  At the same time, you are contributing valuable feedback to the service establishment you visit to make them even more efficient in serving you in future. Our clients as employers generally take the objective observations of mystery shoppers (such as yourself) very seriously. Why?  Because you are the moment of truth for their customer service.  What you feel is exactly what any other customer will feel, so you actually play a pivotal role in helping organizations provide better front-line services.

If you are interested in becoming a mystery shopper, Click here for more information. You can sign up online right away! There is no charge - it is absolutely free!

Benefits of Mystery Shopping

It’s about Customer Relationship Management
Research tells us that a satisfied customer will tell an average of 5 people about their positive experiences. On the other hand, a dissatisfied customer will tell an average of 10 other people about their bad experiences. There is no doubt that better service from a well-conceived customer relationship management program can help you increase market share and profits.

Customer relationship management is about good customer service and understanding how to retain customers.  A company that can identify and correct its customer service weaknesses will definitely have a competitive advantage over its competitors.  When you are continually improving customer loyalty, you are infact assuring yourself more sales.  Mystery Shopping Program (MSP) is the most cost-effective method of measuring customer service and is often considered the lynchpin of modern customer relationship management. Research has shown that one can reduce the need for administrative overhead with valuable information provided from mystery shoppers.  Our Mystery Shopping Program is a proven cost-effective tool for gathering information about the actual customer service experience so you can develop a successful customer relationship management program for your company.

It is strange but true that employees will do what you inspect rather than what you expect.  Also, monitoring your sales efforts through a Mystery Shopping Program will provide coaching information as well as help you identify training needs.  It can help you save training dollars by identifying specific training needs.

Our Mystery Shopping Program systematically measures a pattern of strengths and weaknesses in service delivery and can help you develop an effective customer relationship management program. We have a proven record in providing:

  • baseline studies – comparisons with your competitors
  • incentive programs -  assessments of your location manager 
  • training needs assessments - recommendations for service improvements

How the Mystery Customer Service Can Work for You

It strengthens your believe about improving Customer Service Management

It's no mystery why businesses use mystery shopping to help them better serve their customers.  That’s because it works!  With improved customer service management  you can improve your business bottom line.  You can use the information in a variety of ways, including measuring your training, identifying deficiencies or rewarding exemplary employees. Both the mystery shopping reports and the data roll-ups that follow can be an integral part of your customer service management strategies.

Improving Customer Service for You
When you need to take a closer look at customer service or monitor the success of your training efforts, call us to plan a Mystery Shopping Program. Szetho Consultancy can customize a strategy for customer service management for your company with a clear-cut fit.  This is because every company we work for has different needs so every strategy we develop for any of our clients is customized and unique to their business. Then again, with a huge database of mystery shoppers throughout the country, it is easy for us to rotate shoppers to ensure your establishment is viewed with a fresh set of eyes. 

Our Shopper Preparation

Shoppers prepare in advance for their mystery shopping assignments by reviewing detailed specifications about your needs. The custom-designed mystery shopping form addresses those issues that are particularly important to you in a format that is easy to understand.  Armed with this information, mystery shoppers will visit your locations. Simulating what would be a normal customer experience, these mystery shoppers pay careful attention to every detail of the visit: from the cleanliness of your establishment to the friendliness of your employees, their sales ability - even their ability to verbalize clear-cut product knowledge of your products or services.

Your Mystery Shopping Report
After the visit, each mystery shopper completes the mystery shopping form online. This information - which will include detailed comments about the visit - will enable you to get a firsthand "bird's eye view" of how your customers are being served.

Our Quality Assurance Guarantee
Before mystery shopping reports are transmitted to you, each one is carefully reviewed by an executive assigned to your account to ensure that the shopper has addressed all the issues important to you.  Once we have confirmed the information to be correct, the original mystery report is sent to you. This transmission is done on-line. If you require an analysis of their findings, we are able to compile these on a regular basis for an additional research reporting fee.

Start a Mystery Customer Program Today!

Get started today! CLICK HERE. We can provide you with an affordable market research tool to measure and improve your customer service, sales and customer loyalty. Our objective customer service reports will provide you with a unique opportunity to view your customer service as your customers do.  We employ various market research techniques to evaluate your customer service:

  • Mystery shopping studies
  • Competitor shopping
  • Telephone customer satisfaction surveys

Each of these is designed to evaluate and improve your customer service, your image and, ultimately, your market share.

Our Services

Retail Checks
Retail checks are customized for the specific business / industry. Your staff member is evaluated on staff appearance, courtesy, cleanliness and presentation of stock and point of sale material, knowledge of product / services, and overall customer service. To get a customized retail check, CLICK HERE.

Restaurant / Dining Checks
This evaluation is used for quality of food and beverage service whether it be a bistro, coffee shop, café or restaurant. Your staff members are evaluated on greeting, staff and restaurant presentation, quality and presentation of food and beverage.

Bar Checks
This check is used for quality of customer and beverage service and presentation of the bar. Your staff members are evaluated on greeting, staff appearance, beverage knowledge (including price awareness), courtesy and promptness, presentation and cleanliness of the bar - plus more!

Phone Checks
A phone check is provided in order to ascertain how your staff member handles a customer enquiry on the telephone. Your staff member is evaluated on promptness of pick-up, phone courtesy / manner, and upselling of your business’s products / services.

Leisure Centre Checks
A leisure centre check is used for the purposes of gyms, pools or any specific sporting complex to evaluate the quality of customer service, management and maintenance. Your staff member is evaluated on the meet and greets process, presentation of centre, cleanliness and maintenance of facilities, safety knowledge of gym equipment and health issues and upselling of other services.

Check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section for more details

Call 603 6201 8739 to find out how our mystery shopping programs can improve your bottom line!

If there is an idea you have for your business that we did not seem to cover in our Mystery Customer Services, please complete our "Consult Form".

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