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Pit your Training Brains against this Case Study!


Read and study this case study individually. When the others in your group have finished reading, answer the questions.

The Case

James recently was asked by his supervisor to plan and conduct a cinema manager training course. He was a very proficient service staff and the supervisor felt that he would do a good job since he recently had attended a training skills course.

During the next few weeks, James was very busy. James observed another trainer delivering a training course, read through the reference manual several times, looked through materials from previous courses conducted by the other trainers and tried to think of some creative activities he could include in the course.

James sat down with the reference manual and started to plan for his course. He knew that he would need some notes, so he developed a set of trainer’s notes. He even put some of his notes on a handout to give to those he would be training. James knew that it was important that he be clear, so he planned to read his notes in a clear voice. He also planned to stop periodically and ask if the participants had any questions.

During his first session, James noticed that the participants were not paying attention to his presentation. There were no questions being asked and the participants looked bored. After the presentation the participants left the room for a break. James had a feeling that his first presentation was a failure. He wondered if agreeing to deliver the course was a good decision.


  1. What was the problem?
  2. What did James do well?
  3. What should James have done to prevent these problems?
  4. Who else could have prevented this problem? How?

The Answer if you are the Trainer


Writing case studies is not my cup of tea.  Those in the textbooks are out of context for my organization. CLICK HERE

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