Our Personal Development Series

Szetho Consultancy’s personal development training courses provide your staff with essential soft skills training. The majority of our courses are built around developing a better understanding of oneself, others and the principles of human behavior, recognizing that effective communication and interpersonal relationships are the cornerstone for personal development.

Courses are suitable for all levels, from secretaries, clerks, executives, new managers through to existing managers and senior staff seeking to refine and develop their core skills base.

As a participant, you can expect some of these benefits:

  • Highly interactive and experiential sessions
  • Activities that allow the trainer to coach the participants
  • More insight into critical team issues
  • Greater understanding and awareness of your team or individual capabilities
  • Plenty of opportunities to practice skills learnt in class
  • Team building activities to anchor the learning objectives and to strengthen relationships

Programs in our library:

Professional Selling Skills
Value Selling
Solution Selling
Relationship Selling
Key Account Management
Advanced Workshop for Selling Skills

Telephone Prospecting and Selling Skills
Listening Skills
Self Leadership in Sales
Linking Selling Strategies to Personal Goals
Proven Methods to Motivate a Sales Team
Balance Scorecard Systems in Sales and Service
Influencing the Sales Force


Customer Service Skills
Customer Management Skills
Telephone Customer Satisfaction Skills
Debt Collection Skills
Telephone Debt Collection Skills

Complaint Management

Analysis and Decision Making
Creative Thinking and Problem Solving
Self Leadership at Work
Leadership Efficiency and Effectiveness
Brainstorming Corporate Strategy
How to Write a Business Plan
How to Write a Marketing Plan
Entrepreneurial Management
Intuitive Management
Emotional Intelligence
Effective People Development Skills
Presentation Skills
Time Management
Interpersonal Skills
Business Writing Skills
Mastering Effective English
Train the Trainer
Supervisory Skill
Teamwork and Team Management
Communication, Listening and Motivation
We are the Champions

Change Management
Transformational Leadership
Reinventing a Company
The Concept of Possibility
Personal Leadership
Solution Planning
Negotiation Skills
Interpersonal Managing Skills
Motivating Managers at Work
Leadership Competency Models
Influencing Skills
Leading and Managing Effective Meetings

Conflict Management
Mentoring for Success
Stress Management

These courses are currently offered. Please contact us if you have questions, need additional information about a seminar, or wish to have a course offered at your office by completing our “Consult Form”.

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